
Bolt to the Q 5k Chargers Run in San Diego. Featuring "The Hype" & "The Fabulous" |theDALEYlife.|

My wife and her sister and Dad all ran the Bolt the Q 5k this morning. While my wife runs a ton of races a year, this one was a little special in that it was her Dad's first 5k in a very long time. Back in the day her Dad was an elite runner...elite like "the best of the best" - sponsored by Nike before Jordan and Tiger Woods, NCAA 2nd and 3rd place teams at Washington State, and was Amanda and her sisters coach in high school. Super awesome guy to say the least. Of course, first race back and he placed in his age group. The kids particpated in the kids 1k race. My kids.... they are all about the hype and the excitement. Sometimes a little too much which is why I nicknamed my son "The Hype" and my daughter (through a claim of her own) "The Fabulous." 

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