
The Calvin Family | Old Poway Park Family Photography

Old Poway Park is better known as the "Train Park" in Poway. Any parent within a 100 mile radius knows this park if their child shares an affections for trains. Or even better yet Thomas the Train. My son was a train FREAK for a good two years. So much to the point where he started using british slang terms he learned from the Thomas television series. Nothing like your four year old calling you out for being "cheeky." When Heather and I were discussing location for her family photography session, this park came to mind since her son has been bitten by the train bug. It was a gorgeous day in the park and it brought back a lot of good memories from the times my wife and I spent hours upon hours there with my son. Train aficionado or not, Old Poway Park is a great location for photography. There are huge shade trees, old train cars and period style buildings.

Below are a few images from the Calvin family photo session:

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