
Nono's Birthday. Kids Party |theDALEYlife.|

Every day is a party for kids. No bills. No stress. Just spongebob in the morning and pizza and cupcakes for dinner. Everything in between is all out fun time. Getting dressed for the day is a game. Getting into the car is another game. Getting OUT of the car somehow also turns into a game. If you are a parent you know what exactly what I am talking about. While it drives parents crazy sometimes (or a LOT of the time) I think there is a tinge of jealously in my voice when I tell my son to knock it off or when I tell my daughter she really isn't a horse. I mean, think about it for a second. Imagine how great life would be if you could spend your whole day really believing you were a horse. We went over to my wife's parents house after work to celebrate my Mother in Law's birthday (38th I believe...I didn't ask.) We had cupcakes. We had pizza. Just another day in the life of a five and three year old.


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