
Josh Fischel & the Fiction

Second part of heading down to OB for the street fair was to catch Josh Fischel and the Fiction at Gallagher's on Newport in Ocean Beach. Gallagher's....sound was great, but trying to shoot in this place was a nightmare. Small stage that is separated by the path to the bathroom left me with really no shooting angles at all except from the side. I love seeing bands in small intimate venues. I hate trying to photograph them there. Especially venues that aren't venues, but bar's that happen to have a stage and a sound system. Of course a place really isn't thinking of photography when they build a stage. I wouldn't either. That all being said....

Josh Fischel and the Fiction is a new project from Josh, who was the frontman and founder of the legendary Long Beach band Bargain Music....hands down my all time favorite band to ever exist. Josh is an amazing songwriter and has the kind of voice that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck it is so good.

The sound was as hot as that tiny room we were all in waiting to see the Fiction for the first time. (1st time for me at least)  Honestly, I sweating so hard I could of swore I was peaking. Two songs into their set and they were already blowing the roof off of Gallagher's with an epic cover of the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper/With a little help from my friends." I don't even like the Beatles and I was totally into it. (ok, I don't like Paul McCartney.)

If you are a music lover and enjoy really great storytelling and songwritting then there really isn't a reason you should not be a fan of Josh Fischel and the Fiction. If you have ears and/or a soul this should be one of your top five favorite bands. Like their page on Facebook below. Check out a show when they post it. It will be one of the best live shows you have ever seen. (no pressure...)

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