
Hangin' with Baby Drew

Baby Drew is my new nephew courtesy of my sister in law Jaymie. (Well and her husband David too who as well had a part in his creation.) A couple days after he was born I had to leave the state on business for a week and by the time I got back he was already out of his super brand new baby phase. (did I mention his dad is 6'6"? Diaz boys dont stay small for very long)

Like most people I stick my camera in front of, Drew really wasn't all that stoked to meet Uncle Ryan and his 24-70mm face. I tried to explain to him that he will get use to it and his face will automatically smile some day anytime someone brings out a camera. But like most baby's he wanted to be held and cuddled and feed and his butt patted to sleep. Which I don't blame him for. I have been trying to get my wife to rock me to sleep at nights with no success to date.

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