
In A Years Time

I am completely obsessed by photography. Ask any other photographer and they will tell you I am not alone. There is so much to learn, so much gear to try, and so many things to shoot that most of the time it feels like a bottomless pit and that I am sure someday I will be on my deathbed thinking of all the things I wanted to do with photography but just ran out of time.

With all of that being said I was going through my flickr account last night and found some photos I shot a little over a year ago and thought I would share. And I share these not out of trying to show off, honestly I probably know less than 1% of what there is to know about photography and still consider myself a beginner hack, but it is still fun to look back and remember when I knew completely nothing to as what I was doing and compare it to now....when I kind of know that I know nothing to as what I am doing.


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