
Cait & Casey's Wedding Featured on RocknRollbride.com

I have been following the blog Rock N Roll Bride for a long time. Kat does an amazing job at finding the most unique and rad wedding couples I have ever come across on wedding blogs. I was lucky enough to have a Cait and Casey's wedding I photographed featured on her site today! There are a ton of wedding websites and blogs out there, but they usually consist of the same dry and repetitive style. Not taking away from how amazing a lot of those weddings are, but they seem to run together without a lot of personal feel to them. That is something you will not find on Rock N Roll Bride. Ever. Check it out and just click through some of the featured weddings. I mean, come on....Pirate Wedding? Epic.

What I have always loved about Rock N Roll Bride is that it will inspire you. Not in the "Oh I am going to put that on my pinterest board and copy it exactly" kind of way, but open your mind to the realization that your wedding is about you. It's not about what your parents think it should be. It is not about the preconceived idea of the traditions you think you have to do. It is about you and the person you love, celebrating who you are. After witnessing an ungodly amount of weddings in my time, it is so awesome to see a couple really grasp that idea. It will allow you to enjoy your day and not leave you with a bunch of memories of just doing things and being in positions or saying what you are told to say and dressing how you are "expected" to dress. You don't have to have skeleton cakes and a ripped pink wedding dress to be Rock N Roll....the essence of Rock is just being yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this wedding came out to be just perfect. I had an awesome time watching all of these beautiful photos. I have got the responsibility of my cousin’s wedding planning. I am a self taught planner but have not worked on any big project. Currently looking for the event space Atlanta that fits in her budget. Can anyone here provide me any recommendations?
