
Mike Pinto Band - Typhoon Saloon San Diego, CA

If you have never heard of Mike Pinto stop reading this and go check them out now. This show kicked off their "Turn on Your Summer" tour. Check out their website for current tour dates. Mikepintomusic.com

Or better yet "like" their page on facebook

Shooting at Typhoon Saloon is probably the most difficult place on earth to shoot a live show. A raised stage and then five different levels to watch that band on and not one of those five levels has a good view of much. Throw in that the stage lights seem to be set to shoot about a foot behind the people on stage and you get a blend all kinds of high ISO goodness.

That being said the show fucking rocked.

And...this was my first attempt at doing video. The sound guy at Typhoons didnt fully plug in the cable for my audio receiver so I had to jack a live show from youtube.com and try to match it up to this performance....

Mike Pinto - Tricky Nicky - Typhoon Saloon San Diego, CA from ryan daley on Vimeo.

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