
Editorial Shoot for Fenderbender Magazine

Ok. First to admit it. I had no idea what Fender Bender magazine was about or that I had never heard of it or seen it. (guessing it had something to do with cars) But it is always cool to see your photography used in magazines and on the web. Having my photography used for a purpose is one of the reasons why I love the creative process of photography.

I am kind of like a pimp walking my "artistic vision" down the track in hopes it gets used and I get paid. Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic, but in all reality very true. I do enjoy a great macro photo of a flower....or maybe a photo of a building shot at a weird angle. While that may quench the thirst of other peoples creative outlet it does nothing for me.

Last month I was hired to do some photos of a car repair shop in San Diego called Amato's Auto Body. Now I have wrecked a few cars in my days. Well maybe not completely wrecked, but definitely some fender benders (ah thats where they get the name...) So I am well versed in what most auto body shops looks like. Well from what I can remember between the accident and the beating from my father for wreaking his new car. Amato's is nothing like any auto body repair place I have ever seen. The art deco design of the building and interoir design makes you feel like you have just wondered into a Dick Tracy cartoon. Very cool spot to check out.

Below you can visit the editorial featuring my photography. (or if you happen to glance at auto body repair magazines in the book store it is also on the Cover and starts on page 16.)


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