
Neighbors to the North | Casbah San Diego, CA | Live Music Concert Photographer

Neighbors to the North. Fucking Rock. I use that word in not meaning that they rock really good, but more in that they rock really hard [which in turn, I guess does make it really good. cause it is.] The definitive reason you rock. NTN music is the kind of shit you put on in your bedroom when you are 15 years old and turn your brand new amp up to 10 with a fuzz pedal and jam away jumping off your bed and pissing your parents off.  I really tried not using a cuss word to describe them. But see them live and I bet the same four letter word will relieve itself from your mouth at the end of their set.

1 comment:

  1. What a great write up. These guys do F_ing ROCK! A must see local band for sure. Saw them at the Casbah for the first time and I was sold. All talented artists and I have no idea how the bassist hops around and plays those crazy riffs. Going to the next show with some friends, this music is too good not to share. Hopefully we can open and play a show with NTTN soon.
