
Welch Family La Jolla Cove

I love shooting in the cold winter months at the beach. I think other photographers will agree that you just cannot beat the lighting. Cloudless sunny days are awesome at the beach when I feel like donning my pale mid-western skin tone for the hairless and tan natives of San Diego to witness. I think there is even a little club of Sasquatch enthusiast that wait all year to get a glimpse of the "Sas" skipping through the water in hopes of finally proving Big Foot exist and he runs like a girl.

When I met up with Jen and her family they were kind of bummed on the weather (visiting from the east coast I guess I would be bummed as well that it was not even 60 degrees at that beach) Despite it being a little less than perfect weather-wise we practically had all of La Jolla Cove to shoot without any other distractions. Here are a few shots from their session.

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