
National EnduroCross Finals in Vegas!

After visiting the east coast all of last week, my last stop was in Las Vegas for the National Endurocross finals. I have never shot a race before and having this be my first was insane. If you are not familiar with motorcycle racing or especially an endurocross, they build a hardcore outdoor track inside. Unlike the Supercross races that are very popular the endurocross races take a ton of skill to be able to just make it around the track without breaking all of your bones.

While I did take a lot of photos, I was ghosting other photographers and trying to take in all of their techniques. Photography is weird. There are 20 photographers all photographing the exact same thing but each photographer had different gear, different lighting setups, different angles. When I got back home and uploaded the photos it was a pain to see that I was setting my ISO too high and the power of my flash too low. Rookie mistake.


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